april, 2023
(Nedelja) 10:00
Park prirode Babina-Tvrtkovac
NGO “Modern Escape Europe”+387 603081896
Informacije o događaju
Informacije o događaju
50/40/10 BAM
Vikend na Otvorenom Zenica
“STEEL TRAIL ZENICA – 2. ZELENA TRKA” Tvrtkovac 30.04.2023.
Organizacija trke
NGO “Modern Escape Europe” u saradnji sa Modern Escape Canada Inc.,organizuje sportski događaj na otvorenom, Tvrtkovac 30. 04. 2023.
Details of the race are at steeltrailzenica.com.
#𝗧𝗿č𝗶𝗺𝗼𝗜𝘇𝗻𝗮𝗱𝗢𝗯𝗹𝗮𝗸𝗮, mi kao grupa gledamo kroz četiri dimenzije :
⛰️ Zaštitimo nase planine –
☀️ Trčimo iznad oblaka- naš bijeg od prekomjernog zagađenja zraka.
🌱 Zelenom trkom, skrećemo pažnju da je manje više, manje proizvodnje otpada, manje plastike, manje upotrebe.
📌 Ponuditi sjajan internacionalni događaj Gradu Zenici kao tradicionalnu turističku ponudu koja će se održavati svake godine
Naziv trke |
Duzina |
Start/Cilj Mjesto & Vrijeme |
Veliki Tvrtko (vremensko ograničenje 5 sata) |
25 km (1057m kumulativnog uspona) |
Plato Lastavica, 10:00 |
Mali Tvrtko (vremensko ograničenje 3 sata) |
10 km (330m kumulativnog uspona) |
Plato Lastavica, 10:30 |
Pikolo Tvrtko |
2 km (62m kumulativnog uspona) |
Plato Lastavica, 10:30 (*odmah poslije starta Malog Tvrtka) |
Start trke
Takmičari su obavezni prema utvrđenoj satnici doći na naznačene lokacije:
- 25 km trka nedjelja 30.04.2023. godine zona starta i cilja trke najkasnije do 09:30h. Start trke je u 10:00h.
- 10 km trka nedjelja 30.04.2023.godine zona starta i cilja trke najkasnije do 09:30h. Start trke je u 10:30h.
- 2 km trka nedjelja 30.04.2023. godine zona starta i cilja trke najkasnije do 09:30h. Start trke je u 10:30h (odmah poslije starta Malog Tvrtka)
*U zoni starta biće organizovan prihvat opreme koju takmičari žele ostaviti na čuvanje a koja će ih čekati u ciljnoj zoni po završetku trke. Bit ce dva šatora za presvlacenje i preuzimanje opreme.
Besplatan prevoz:
Shopping centar Zenica – Radinovici – plato Lastavica
- 07:00
- 08:00
- 14:00
- 15:30
Informacije o trci:
- Trail run utrka 25km – napredni
GPS staze
- Trail run utrka 10k – početnici
GPS staze
- Staza za djecu (2km) – djeca
- 25 kilometara – 50 BAM
- 10 kilometara – 40 BAM
- 2 kilometara – 10 BAM
*25% popust na grupu od 5 ili vise trkaca
Kotizacija uključuje:
10km i 25km trka:
- BIB broj
- Platnena torba
- Trkačka majica
- Voće i grickalice na stazi
- Boca za vodu (za ucesnike na 25km)
- Čaša za višestruku primjenu (za ucesnike na 10km)
- Osvježenje na stazi
- Elektronsko mjerenje vremena
- Gorska službe spašavanja Zenica
- Obrok nakon trke (vojnicki grah, sirnica i zeljanica; sokovi, voce i grickalice)
- Finišerska medalja za trkače koji završe utrku u vremenskom ograničenju
2km djecija trka:
- BIB broj
- Trkačka majica
- Voće i grickalice na stazi
- Osvježenje na stazi
- Elektronsko mjerenje vremena
- Gorske službe spašavanja Zenica
- Obrok nakon trke (vojnicki grah, sirnica i zeljanica; sokovi, voce i grickalice)
- Finišerska medalja za trkače koji završe utrku u vremenskom ograničenju
Plaćanje startnine
Startnina se uplaćuje na bankovni račun organizatora.
Za uplate iz BiH:
Transakcijski račun: 3385802253327727 UNICREDIT BANKA
Svrha uplate: Kotizacija za trku “Steel Trail Zenica“ – ime i prezime
email: modernescapeeurope@gmail.com
tel.:+387 603081896
Za uplate iz inostranstva:
IBAN: BA393385802253327727
Primalac: Udruzenje Modern Escape Europe
Prve Zenicke brigade 5, Zenica, Bosna i Hercegovina
Svrha uplate: Kotizacija za trku „Steel Trail Zenica“ – ime i prezime
S.W.I.F.T code: UNCRBA22
Dodatne informacije za uplatu e – mail:
Ili preko Modern Escape Canada Inc.
Dodatne informacije za uplatu e-mail:
Maksimalan broj učesnika
Maksimalan broj učesnika je ograničen na 350:
- 150 trkača na 25 km,
- 150 trkača na 10 km
- 50 djece na 2 km
Preuzimanje startnog paketa:
Preuzimanje startnih brojeva i paketa vršit će se dana:
- subota 29.4. u 072 klubu od 18:00-20:00
Preporuke za učešće
Za učešće na trkama, takmičari trebaju imati iskustva u kretanju u planinskom okruženju, u zavisnosti od staze koju izaberu, moraju posjedovati solidnu ili izvrsnu fizičku kondiciju te prikladnu obuću i odjeću za kretanje po šumskim, zemljanim putevima ili planinarskim stazama kao i dodatnu opremu na trkama na kojima je organizator istu propisao kao obaveznu.
Popis obavezne opreme koju je potrebno nositi tokom cijele trke:
- Mobilni telefon sa napunjenom baterijom i aktivnim brojem.
- Startni broj
- 0,5L voda
Dozvoljena je upotreba štapova, ali ako se takmičar odluči da ih koristi, mora ih nositi tokom cijele trke. Takmičar štapove mora nositi na način da ne predstavljaju opasnost za druge
- čaša ili posuda za vodu (Na okrepama neće biti plastičnih/papirnih čaša)
- vjetrovku prikladnu za loše vremenske uslove u višim planinskim predjelima
- majicu dugih rukava
- kapu, vizir ili bandana
- rukavice
- energetske pločice ili drugu hranu;
- manji iznos novca
Takmičar će biti diskvalifikovan uz poništavanje startnog broja ukoliko:
- ne prođe kroz jednu od kontrolnih tačaka
- koristi prečice
- baca smeće dužinom staze tokom trke
- ne pomogne takmičaru u nevolji
- vrijeđa ili prijeti osoblju/volonterima
- koristi prevozno sredstvo tokom trke
- odbije pregled od strane medicinskog osoblja na stazi
- odbije provjeru obavezne opreme od strane akreditiranog osoblja na stazi
Kazna će se primijeniti na licu mjesta.
U slučaju vanrednih dešavanja, vremenskih neprilika, zemljotresa, poplava i ekstremnih klimatskih pojava, organizator zadržava pravo obustavljanja ili otkazivanja trke, čak i tokom trke, ako realne okolnosti predstavljaju opasnost po zdravlje takmičara. Iz gore navedenih razloga, organizator može izmjeniti trasu trke, o čemu će sve takmičare blagovremeno obavjestiti.
Možete nas pratiti na društvenim mrežama
https://www.facebook.com/Steeltrailzenica/ i
ili na web stranicama http://steeltrailzenica.com
Vidimo se u aprilu!!!
Steel Trail Zenica – The second edition
Race organization
Modern Escape Europe in association with our partner
- Modern Escape Canada Inc.
is organizing the 2nd trail race Steel Trail Zenica at mountain Tvrtkovac on April 30. 2023.
Details of the race are at steeltrailzenica.com.
Steel Trail event has four aims:
☀️ Run Above Clouds (of plume) – escape from polluted air in the city by running on top of Tvrtkovac, #TrčimoIznadOblaka.
⛰️ Protect our mountains
🌱 Demonstrate that less is more – show impact that practice of reduce, reuse, recycle brings our lives, economy and tourism in Zenica and neighboring communities.
📌 Offer a great event for the City of Zenica as part of its traditional Zenica’s Spring event.
Race title |
Length |
Start/Finish Place & Time |
Long (time limit 5 hours) |
25 km (1059m cumulative ascent) |
10:00 am |
Short (time limit 4 hours) |
10 km (612m cumulative ascent) |
10:30 am |
Kids |
2 km (62m cumulative ascent) |
10:30 am |
Free bus shuttle from Zenica shopping center.
- 07:00
- 08:00
- 14:00
- 15:30
Race routes
- Trail run race 25 km – intermediate
- Trail run race 10 km – beginners
- Trail run for kids 2 km – kids
Start of race
Competitors are obliged to come to the indicated locations according to the established schedule:
- 25km trail race > Sunday, April 30, 2023. gather in the start and finish zone no later than 09:30 AM. The start of the race is at 10:00AM.
- 10km trail race > Sunday, April 30, 2023. gather in the start and finish zone no later than 09:30 AM. The start of the race is at 10:30AM.
- 2km kids race > Sunday, April 30, 2023. gather in the start and finish zone no later than 09:30 AM. The start of the race is at 10:30am.
*In the start zone, the acceptance of the equipment that the competitors want to leave for safekeeping will be organized, which will be waiting for them in the finish zone after the race. The organizer is responsible only for the equipment that is handed over to an accredited person and which is packed in a bag with the start number recorded.
Registration fees
- 25 kilometara – 50 BAM
- 10 kilometara – 40 BAM
- 2 kilometers – 10 BAM
The registration fees include the following:
10 and 25km race fee includes following:
- BIB number
- Cotton bag
- Race Shirt
- Water (metal) bottle (for runners on 25km course)
- Reusable cup (for runners on 10km course)
- fruits and snack on race course
- refreshment points on race course
- mountain rescue service
- meal after race
- finisher’s medal for runners that finish race in time limit
2 kilometers race fee includes following:
- BIB number
- Race Shirt
- mountain rescue service
- meal after race
- finisher’s medal for runners that finish race in time limit
Payment procedure
Registration fee shall be paid to the bank account of the organizer.
For payments in Bosnia and Herzegovina:
Purpose of payment: Registration fee for the race “Steel Trail Zenica” – name and family name
Transaction bank account: 3385802253327727 UNICREDIT BANKA
email: modernescapeeurope@gmail.com
tel.:+387 603081896
For payments from abroad:
IBAN: BA393385802253327727
Recipient: NGO “Modern Escape Europe”
Prve Zenicke brigade 5, Zenica, Bosna i Hercegovina
Purpose of payment: Kotizacija za trku „Steel Trail Zenica“ – ime i prezime
S.W.I.F.T code: UNCRBA22
email: modernescapeeurope@gmail.com
Or via Modern Escape Canada Inc. website:
Additional information:
Maximum number of participants
Maximum number of participants is limited to 350:
- 150 runners for 25km,
- 150 runners for 10km
- 50 kids
Collection of the race bib and race pack
Pick-up of start numbers and packages will take place on
- Saturday, April 29, 2023 from 17:00 to 21:00 o'clock at 072 club,
Participation requirements
To participate in the races, competitors must have experience in movement in a mountain environment, depending on the track they choose, they must have solid or excellent physical condition and suitable footwear and clothing for movement on forest, dirt roads or hiking trails as well as accessories in races on which the organizer prescribed it as mandatory.
Obligatory equipment:
- Mobile phone, fully charged. The phone must be switched on during the whole race.
- Start number (BIB)
- at least 0,5 liter of water.
The organizer reserves the right to verify the required personal equipment of the competitors during the race and at the finish.
It is recommended that, besides the mandatory equipment, competitors also carry the following:
- Glass or water bowl (There will be no plastic cups on refreshment stations, start/finish line or check points!).
- Wind or rain jacket suitable for bad weather in high mountain areas.
Long sleeved top. - Cap, hat or bandanna.
- Gloves
- Energy bars or solid food
- Small amount of money for the possible purchase of food in the mountain restaurants
The use of poles is permitted but if competitors choose to use it, it must be worn throughout the entire race. Competitors must carry poles in such fashion that it does not represent any danger to other competitors.
The competitor will be disqualified if he/she does not follow the following rules of the organizers:
- Does not pass through one of the checkpoints
- Uses shortcuts
- Throws garbage along the track during the race
- Do not finish the race in the limit
- Does not help a competitor in trouble
- Insults or threatens staff / volunteers
- Uses a means of transport during the race
- Refuses to be examined by medical staff on the track
- Refuses to check the mandatory equipment by accredited staff on the track
Cancellation POLICY
Because this is an outdoor event we may be required to postpone or cancel in the case of severely inclement weather. In the case of postponement, you will have the option to join at the newly determined dates or be fully refunded. In the case of cancellation, you will be fully refunded.
In case of emergencies, worsening of the epidemiological situation, weather conditions, earthquakes, floods and extreme weather events, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the race or change the route. Any obstacles that may make the track impassable, alternative routes will be used and will be explained at the technical meeting before the start of the race. Competitors MUST strictly adhere to the officially marked tracks. Due to the rules of the race, personal safety and the safety of other competitors and the staff organizing the race, it is strictly forbidden to use shortcuts and tracks that are not marked. All deviations from the officially marked track, except that it entails disqualification, will be at the competitor's own risk.
You can follow us on social media
https://www.facebook.com/Steeltrailzenica/ and https://www.instagram.com/steel_trail_zenica/
or web page http://steeltrailzenica.com
We are looking forward to seeing you in April!!!
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Prikaži više
Vikend na Otvorenom Zenica
“STEEL TRAIL ZENICA – 2. ZELENA TRKA” Tvrtkovac 30.04.2023.
Organizacija trke
NGO “Modern Escape Europe” u saradnji sa Modern Escape Canada Inc.,organizuje sportski događaj na otvorenom, Tvrtkovac 30. 04. 2023.
Details of the race are at steeltrailzenica.com.
#𝗧𝗿č𝗶𝗺𝗼𝗜𝘇𝗻𝗮𝗱𝗢𝗯𝗹𝗮𝗸𝗮, mi kao grupa gledamo kroz četiri dimenzije :
⛰️ Zaštitimo nase planine –
☀️ Trčimo iznad oblaka- naš bijeg od prekomjernog zagađenja zraka.
🌱 Zelenom trkom, skrećemo pažnju da je manje više, manje proizvodnje otpada, manje plastike, manje upotrebe.
📌 Ponuditi sjajan internacionalni događaj Gradu Zenici kao tradicionalnu turističku ponudu koja će se održavati svake godine
Naziv trke | Duzina | Start/Cilj Mjesto & Vrijeme |
Veliki Tvrtko (vremensko ograničenje 5 sata) | 25 km (1057m kumulativnog uspona) | Plato Lastavica, 10:00 |
Mali Tvrtko (vremensko ograničenje 3 sata) | 10 km (330m kumulativnog uspona) | Plato Lastavica, 10:30 |
Pikolo Tvrtko | 2 km (62m kumulativnog uspona) | Plato Lastavica, 10:30 (*odmah poslije starta Malog Tvrtka) |
Start trke
Takmičari su obavezni prema utvrđenoj satnici doći na naznačene lokacije:
- 25 km trka nedjelja 30.04.2023. godine zona starta i cilja trke najkasnije do 09:30h. Start trke je u 10:00h.
- 10 km trka nedjelja 30.04.2023.godine zona starta i cilja trke najkasnije do 09:30h. Start trke je u 10:30h.
- 2 km trka nedjelja 30.04.2023. godine zona starta i cilja trke najkasnije do 09:30h. Start trke je u 10:30h (odmah poslije starta Malog Tvrtka)
*U zoni starta biće organizovan prihvat opreme koju takmičari žele ostaviti na čuvanje a koja će ih čekati u ciljnoj zoni po završetku trke. Bit ce dva šatora za presvlacenje i preuzimanje opreme.
Besplatan prevoz:
Shopping centar Zenica – Radinovici – plato Lastavica
- 07:00
- 08:00
- 14:00
- 15:30
Informacije o trci:
- Trail run utrka 25km – napredni
GPS staze
- Trail run utrka 10k – početnici
GPS staze
- Staza za djecu (2km) – djeca
- 25 kilometara – 50 BAM
- 10 kilometara – 40 BAM
- 2 kilometara – 10 BAM
*25% popust na grupu od 5 ili vise trkaca
Kotizacija uključuje:
10km i 25km trka:
- BIB broj
- Platnena torba
- Trkačka majica
- Voće i grickalice na stazi
- Boca za vodu (za ucesnike na 25km)
- Čaša za višestruku primjenu (za ucesnike na 10km)
- Osvježenje na stazi
- Elektronsko mjerenje vremena
- Gorska službe spašavanja Zenica
- Obrok nakon trke (vojnicki grah, sirnica i zeljanica; sokovi, voce i grickalice)
- Finišerska medalja za trkače koji završe utrku u vremenskom ograničenju
2km djecija trka:
- BIB broj
- Trkačka majica
- Voće i grickalice na stazi
- Osvježenje na stazi
- Elektronsko mjerenje vremena
- Gorske službe spašavanja Zenica
- Obrok nakon trke (vojnicki grah, sirnica i zeljanica; sokovi, voce i grickalice)
- Finišerska medalja za trkače koji završe utrku u vremenskom ograničenju
Plaćanje startnine
Startnina se uplaćuje na bankovni račun organizatora.
Za uplate iz BiH:
Transakcijski račun: 3385802253327727 UNICREDIT BANKA
Svrha uplate: Kotizacija za trku “Steel Trail Zenica“ – ime i prezime
email: modernescapeeurope@gmail.com
tel.:+387 603081896
Za uplate iz inostranstva:
IBAN: BA393385802253327727
Primalac: Udruzenje Modern Escape Europe
Prve Zenicke brigade 5, Zenica, Bosna i Hercegovina
Svrha uplate: Kotizacija za trku „Steel Trail Zenica“ – ime i prezime
S.W.I.F.T code: UNCRBA22
Dodatne informacije za uplatu e – mail:
Ili preko Modern Escape Canada Inc.
Dodatne informacije za uplatu e-mail:
Maksimalan broj učesnika
Maksimalan broj učesnika je ograničen na 350:
- 150 trkača na 25 km,
- 150 trkača na 10 km
- 50 djece na 2 km
Preuzimanje startnog paketa:
Preuzimanje startnih brojeva i paketa vršit će se dana:
- subota 29.4. u 072 klubu od 18:00-20:00
Preporuke za učešće
Za učešće na trkama, takmičari trebaju imati iskustva u kretanju u planinskom okruženju, u zavisnosti od staze koju izaberu, moraju posjedovati solidnu ili izvrsnu fizičku kondiciju te prikladnu obuću i odjeću za kretanje po šumskim, zemljanim putevima ili planinarskim stazama kao i dodatnu opremu na trkama na kojima je organizator istu propisao kao obaveznu.
Popis obavezne opreme koju je potrebno nositi tokom cijele trke:
- Mobilni telefon sa napunjenom baterijom i aktivnim brojem.
- Startni broj
- 0,5L voda
Dozvoljena je upotreba štapova, ali ako se takmičar odluči da ih koristi, mora ih nositi tokom cijele trke. Takmičar štapove mora nositi na način da ne predstavljaju opasnost za druge
- čaša ili posuda za vodu (Na okrepama neće biti plastičnih/papirnih čaša)
- vjetrovku prikladnu za loše vremenske uslove u višim planinskim predjelima
- majicu dugih rukava
- kapu, vizir ili bandana
- rukavice
- energetske pločice ili drugu hranu;
- manji iznos novca
Takmičar će biti diskvalifikovan uz poništavanje startnog broja ukoliko:
- ne prođe kroz jednu od kontrolnih tačaka
- koristi prečice
- baca smeće dužinom staze tokom trke
- ne pomogne takmičaru u nevolji
- vrijeđa ili prijeti osoblju/volonterima
- koristi prevozno sredstvo tokom trke
- odbije pregled od strane medicinskog osoblja na stazi
- odbije provjeru obavezne opreme od strane akreditiranog osoblja na stazi
Kazna će se primijeniti na licu mjesta.
U slučaju vanrednih dešavanja, vremenskih neprilika, zemljotresa, poplava i ekstremnih klimatskih pojava, organizator zadržava pravo obustavljanja ili otkazivanja trke, čak i tokom trke, ako realne okolnosti predstavljaju opasnost po zdravlje takmičara. Iz gore navedenih razloga, organizator može izmjeniti trasu trke, o čemu će sve takmičare blagovremeno obavjestiti.
Možete nas pratiti na društvenim mrežama
https://www.facebook.com/Steeltrailzenica/ i
ili na web stranicama http://steeltrailzenica.com
Vidimo se u aprilu!!!
Steel Trail Zenica – The second edition
Race organization
Modern Escape Europe in association with our partner
- Modern Escape Canada Inc.
is organizing the 2nd trail race Steel Trail Zenica at mountain Tvrtkovac on April 30. 2023.
Details of the race are at steeltrailzenica.com.
Steel Trail event has four aims:
☀️ Run Above Clouds (of plume) – escape from polluted air in the city by running on top of Tvrtkovac, #TrčimoIznadOblaka.
⛰️ Protect our mountains
🌱 Demonstrate that less is more – show impact that practice of reduce, reuse, recycle brings our lives, economy and tourism in Zenica and neighboring communities.
📌 Offer a great event for the City of Zenica as part of its traditional Zenica’s Spring event.
Race title | Length | Start/Finish Place & Time |
Long (time limit 5 hours) | 25 km (1059m cumulative ascent) | 10:00 am |
Short (time limit 4 hours) | 10 km (612m cumulative ascent) | 10:30 am |
Kids | 2 km (62m cumulative ascent) | 10:30 am |
Free bus shuttle from Zenica shopping center.
- 07:00
- 08:00
- 14:00
- 15:30
Race routes
- Trail run race 25 km – intermediate
- Trail run race 10 km – beginners
- Trail run for kids 2 km – kids
Start of race
Competitors are obliged to come to the indicated locations according to the established schedule:
- 25km trail race > Sunday, April 30, 2023. gather in the start and finish zone no later than 09:30 AM. The start of the race is at 10:00AM.
- 10km trail race > Sunday, April 30, 2023. gather in the start and finish zone no later than 09:30 AM. The start of the race is at 10:30AM.
- 2km kids race > Sunday, April 30, 2023. gather in the start and finish zone no later than 09:30 AM. The start of the race is at 10:30am.
*In the start zone, the acceptance of the equipment that the competitors want to leave for safekeeping will be organized, which will be waiting for them in the finish zone after the race. The organizer is responsible only for the equipment that is handed over to an accredited person and which is packed in a bag with the start number recorded.
Registration fees
- 25 kilometara – 50 BAM
- 10 kilometara – 40 BAM
- 2 kilometers – 10 BAM
The registration fees include the following:
10 and 25km race fee includes following:
- BIB number
- Cotton bag
- Race Shirt
- Water (metal) bottle (for runners on 25km course)
- Reusable cup (for runners on 10km course)
- fruits and snack on race course
- refreshment points on race course
- mountain rescue service
- meal after race
- finisher’s medal for runners that finish race in time limit
2 kilometers race fee includes following:
- BIB number
- Race Shirt
- mountain rescue service
- meal after race
- finisher’s medal for runners that finish race in time limit
Payment procedure
Registration fee shall be paid to the bank account of the organizer.
For payments in Bosnia and Herzegovina:
Purpose of payment: Registration fee for the race “Steel Trail Zenica” – name and family name
Transaction bank account: 3385802253327727 UNICREDIT BANKA
email: modernescapeeurope@gmail.com
tel.:+387 603081896
For payments from abroad:
IBAN: BA393385802253327727
Recipient: NGO “Modern Escape Europe”
Prve Zenicke brigade 5, Zenica, Bosna i Hercegovina
Purpose of payment: Kotizacija za trku „Steel Trail Zenica“ – ime i prezime
S.W.I.F.T code: UNCRBA22
email: modernescapeeurope@gmail.com
Or via Modern Escape Canada Inc. website:
Additional information:
Maximum number of participants
Maximum number of participants is limited to 350:
- 150 runners for 25km,
- 150 runners for 10km
- 50 kids
Collection of the race bib and race pack
Pick-up of start numbers and packages will take place on
- Saturday, April 29, 2023 from 17:00 to 21:00 o'clock at 072 club,
Participation requirements
To participate in the races, competitors must have experience in movement in a mountain environment, depending on the track they choose, they must have solid or excellent physical condition and suitable footwear and clothing for movement on forest, dirt roads or hiking trails as well as accessories in races on which the organizer prescribed it as mandatory.
Obligatory equipment:
- Mobile phone, fully charged. The phone must be switched on during the whole race.
- Start number (BIB)
- at least 0,5 liter of water.
The organizer reserves the right to verify the required personal equipment of the competitors during the race and at the finish.
It is recommended that, besides the mandatory equipment, competitors also carry the following:
- Glass or water bowl (There will be no plastic cups on refreshment stations, start/finish line or check points!).
- Wind or rain jacket suitable for bad weather in high mountain areas.
Long sleeved top. - Cap, hat or bandanna.
- Gloves
- Energy bars or solid food
- Small amount of money for the possible purchase of food in the mountain restaurants
The use of poles is permitted but if competitors choose to use it, it must be worn throughout the entire race. Competitors must carry poles in such fashion that it does not represent any danger to other competitors.
The competitor will be disqualified if he/she does not follow the following rules of the organizers:
- Does not pass through one of the checkpoints
- Uses shortcuts
- Throws garbage along the track during the race
- Do not finish the race in the limit
- Does not help a competitor in trouble
- Insults or threatens staff / volunteers
- Uses a means of transport during the race
- Refuses to be examined by medical staff on the track
- Refuses to check the mandatory equipment by accredited staff on the track
Cancellation POLICY
Because this is an outdoor event we may be required to postpone or cancel in the case of severely inclement weather. In the case of postponement, you will have the option to join at the newly determined dates or be fully refunded. In the case of cancellation, you will be fully refunded.
In case of emergencies, worsening of the epidemiological situation, weather conditions, earthquakes, floods and extreme weather events, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the race or change the route. Any obstacles that may make the track impassable, alternative routes will be used and will be explained at the technical meeting before the start of the race. Competitors MUST strictly adhere to the officially marked tracks. Due to the rules of the race, personal safety and the safety of other competitors and the staff organizing the race, it is strictly forbidden to use shortcuts and tracks that are not marked. All deviations from the officially marked track, except that it entails disqualification, will be at the competitor's own risk.
You can follow us on social media
https://www.facebook.com/Steeltrailzenica/ and https://www.instagram.com/steel_trail_zenica/
or web page http://steeltrailzenica.com
We are looking forward to seeing you in April!!!